Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Funday :)

Today was legit one of the best days we have ever had.  We had NO PLANS.  It was WONDERFUL.  I can't remember the last time we had a day off with zero plans.  We slept in (way to late), ate breakfast in our backyard while reading the paper, caught up on laundry, went for a walk in our neighborhood, dropped by a friends house, made dinner, started a movie, went for another walk...... Now I am blogging and relaxing before we start the week....  I wanted to share a recipe that I made for dinner tonight (in honer of the upcoming holiday) an Irish Shepherds Pie!!!

FIRST - Link to ACTUAL recipe


THIRD - The simple recipe is:

- Saute some carrots and onions in olive oil
- Add pepper & Thyme
- Add Meat (I used Turkey) real traditional pie is made with lamb or beef
- Add frozen peas
- Add some flour/butter/wine/tomato paste/Worcestershire sauce
- bake with mashed potatoes
- ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. That sounds and LOOKS delicious! We had a "down day" too, it felt so good. Sometimes you just need a whole day of fun, relaxing stuff to rest up from our busy lives. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Just wanted to say hi... miss and love you!!! Glad you had such a wonderful day!!!
