Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Years

WOW - it's New Years Eve! HOLY MOLY!!  2012 has been such an exciting year - actually, one of my favorite years EVER ha-ha (oh the drama in my voice).  I am not even joking though.  This post is just to sum up our year and put some resolutions into the universe for 2013...

SOO my goal for 2012 was "normalcy" (last years post) which we were successful in creating.... Here are some highlights of '12 - honestly there are a MILLION pictures to chose from (and part of my 2013 goals are to get better at posting more frequently) but here are a few (in no order):

Zoey testing out Harper's pacifiers :)

Kevin helping me do favors for Megan's baby shower

9 month pregnant with Harper

Zoey and I napping :)

Kevin representing MAC MILLER (*video link below)

my two favorite people in the whole world :) XXOO

Our fur-baby :)

The destruction Zoey causes

Thanksgiving dogs being good for a treat (there were two other dogs too just not in the picture)

Zoey walks on water hehe

I turned 30!!

Zoey gives Kevin a hug

I get special parking!!! This is when we registered!!!

4.5 monthsish preggo!!!

Zoey and I playing in the yard!

Kevin and Bryan getting the nursery ready!

Hard at work building our crib!

I think that I succeeded in having a year of normalcy.... well besides having our world completely rocked by the love we have for Zoey - or the fact that we are pregnant for more than half the year hehehe :) but that seems normal?? LOL .... we had fun. Thank you God for such a wonderful life.


Dear 2013, WE LOVE YOU!  Because you will bring us our our very first child - Harper.....

Some goals:
- Have a natural un-medicated childbirth
- Nurse for at least 10 months
- Be a great mom and make good decisions (with Kev of course) for Harper
- Be a great bridesmaid for Daniella
- Run the Cleveland half marathon and the Akron half
- Blog more frequently and take MORE pictures :)

OOO the video I mentioned before, this is hysterical and we watched this video 2012 times no joke.... if you feel so compelled check out the Tosh.O version too "The Baddest"

Chocolate Eclair Dessert

On Wednesday, Kevin and I each had a holiday potluck at work.  being so pregnant I decided I needed to stay simple with whatever I prepared for us to bring. The recipe I chose was a classic in the Simonelli household growing up 'chocolate eclair' omg YES, this is the best, easiest dessert EVER.  I made two in less then 40 minutes and that's only because I am slow, honestly you can make one faster and I urge you all to try and let me know your speed haha!

Ok so here is what you need for one (just double for two DUH)
- 2 small boxes of instant vanilla pudding
- 2.5. cups of milk
- whip cream
- graham crackers
- chocolate frosting


Layer a 9/13 inch pan with graham crackers

Mix the milk and pudding mixes until smooth

Fold in the whip cream

Put in pan on top of layered graham's 

Layer another row of grahams

Melt frosting and spread evenly on top

Refrigerate overnight 


Thursday, December 6, 2012

33 Weeks

I cannot believe we are here.... 33 weeks!!! Just a couple more to go!! We can't wait to meet our precious girl.... We want everything to be just perfect for her.

Dear Harper,

You are loved.  Your dad and I talk about you all the time.  I know you won't ever remember this but sometimes daddy sings to you in my belly (silly songs of course)!  It's really special.  Also, your big sister Zoey always sits by you in my belly and listens to you move.  I actually think she knew you were there before we did.  She is very In tune haha :).  I hope you love your new room, we worked really hard to get it ready for you.  I wish for you to be strong and happy.  I wish for you to be smart and funny.  Beautiful and humble.  Independent and loving.  I want you to always be honest.  I promise, I will always be honest with you.  I cannot wait to hold you! XO.  In the meantime keep kicking away, I will miss it :)

Love, Mama

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Favor Idea

For every event, a nice favor is always a must!! 

Check out this easy DIY favor idea for perhaps, a bridal shower!! :)

Foot Soak:

- Epsom salt
- Essential oil of your choice

Mix a few drops of oil into the salts and stir until evenly coated

Face Scrub:

- Granulated sugar (one cup)
- Brown Sugar (1/2 cup)
- Coffee Grinds (tablespoon)
- Almond oil (or any oil of your choice) - use until you get desired consistency
- Essential oil of your choice - drop until you get desired smell

Mix everything together :)


Monday, October 29, 2012

27 Weeks

What a GREAT week it’s been.  Harper has been moving like crazy and has had the hiccups (that I can identify) twice!!    

This weekend was Halloween, we got to sit in our driveway and hand out tons of candy to the little ones in our neighborhood.  It was truly one of my favorite memories in the house thus far. First, we had dinner with some neighbors and it was so fun!! Then, we set up our little bistro with candy (that we bought WAY too much of) in the driveway…. :)  Most of the costumes were SOOOOO cute.  Our favorite was a little dinosaur (it was handmade and ADORBS) the little boy (around 4 or 5) kept tripping on his tail and it was so awesome!  He had a little sister roughly 3 who was a strawberry!!! We LOVED it!! :)  Then we went over to our other neighbor’s house for some beers and campfire!

I feel just great, although it’s getting more difficult to sleep…. My tum just feels heavy..... Also, I am not a fan of sleeping on my side just in general.  What I am finding helps is if I sleep on my right side with the body pillow behind me and between my legs…. I know it seems awkward (and don’t be fooled, it is) but it works…..  Lastly, showering at night seems to help just get me tired and put me in a “sleep-state of mind”…

We are on the 3 month (or 12 week) countdown – starting Wednesday…. CRAZY…. 86 days until Harper's due date….

As soon as I get my camera I will post pictures from my shower that my mother in law and sister in laws threw me.  It was sooooo beautiful and such a blast!!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Mantel

Wanted to show off our first ever FALL MANTEL!!!!!!  We wanted to keep it as simple as possible so we could use it though Thanksgiving.  I think next Halloween, we may have a different mantel for Halloween and thanksgiving because DUH, its more fun for kids - but this year, we wanted to give it a go anyways!

Wednesday, I am going to make a fall wreath for the front of our house! WOOT WOOT!

We are in week 25 of the pregnancy!!  It's been sooooo wonderful - Kevin felt Harper move for the FIRST TIME EVER last night, his face lit up, it was so fun!  He started singing a goofy song to her and that's when she kicked - it was the first time I had ever seen my belly move as well (even though I have been feeling her for a while now)!

Our nursery is painted WOOO HOOOO and the crib is up!! (although we are waiting to set up the bedding)!

Here is Kevin and I hanging our "Harper" sign (courtesy of my sister in law Megan) :)

More to come on the nursery - I will update pictures as we get them :)


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

For the Love of Fall

I love fall.  Need I say more? It's the BEST season ever - I am inspired in the fall.  I want to cook/clean/walk/decorate the house/bake/go to the park/read a good book.... I could go on and on and on..... Also, another thing I LOVE (this one is kind of random) - cloudy, cool days.... Today is one of those days and I love it.  It's slightly airy and pretty, almost like a storm is about to roll in.... chilly enough that I want a blanket and snuggle time.... This picture doesn't give it justice - but this is what it looks like out right now:


Monday, September 24, 2012

OUR HOME! Kind of a long one.....

I almost forgot - SOO by the end of the summer - we felt our front yard was PERFECT!  While I am still working out the whole "flowers/gardening" thing (they were WAYYY better during the summer) - Kevin has been busy maintaining the lawn - despite the LONG summer drought - he still managed green grass all season! WOOOO HOOO!! 

Also - I am not sure yet, if I blogged about the night I found out we were pregnant?!!?  It's kind of ironic that it was the night I decided to plant a brand new garden..... Who knew, we were growing a little flower of our own!!!

I really wanted a garden, and so my friend Colleen came over to help plant some flowers - it took us HOURS!!!!!  That night, I was feeling a little queasy and went to bed kind of early.  Zoey woke up in the middle of the night with an upset tummy and so I decided to take a test (obviously, we were already slightly suspicious that we were preggo) - of course the test came back positive (at 3 in the morning)!!!!  The next day I took several more tests (hahaha) just to be sure..... and boy oh boy we were pregnant (haha with a girl)!!!

When we told family in Ohio (of course :( I had to phone my family in RI) we wrapped a bouquet of baby's breath flowers with a  couple pacifiers.... it was wonderful to see every one's reaction!!! :)

Harper - you are so beautiful.... of course we have more pictures but here is a couple:

6 weeks:

12 weeks:

16 weeks:

I have 20 week ultrasound pictures where we discovered Harper was a girl - YAY!!  I still need to scan those!!



Today I heard from a friend that I haven't talked to in a few weeks!!  It made my heart smile!!  Liz (the friend) is my training partner, and one of my closest friends.    This is one of my favorite pictures of us running the Akron marathon together with Ellen!!!  Ellen is in the background with both her hands up in the purple tops - SUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH a funny picture I laugh every time I see it!!

Liz, Tracy, Ellen and I became so close training together!!  I can't wait to train again soon with Harper as well!!! 

We are starting to walk now though!!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Just so you Know

We did it - we ate home EVERY single day last week!!!  We have plenty for breakfast in the morning and I will do another "big shop" tomorrow!  We are going to take it one week at a time - on to week two!!

No plans this weekend = Happy Hagenhaven!!!

Have a great weekend!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Creamy Carrot & Parsnip Soup

In preparation for the baby, we decided to make all meals at home to A, start eating crazy healthy (to set a good example) and of course B, to save money.  I went to the market today and bought food for, lunch and dinner ALL week.  I am not going to post the menu yet (just in case we totally fail our first attempt to ONLY eat at home)!!!

Tonight though, was a great start!!  My sister bought me a book called "100 Best Foods for Pregnancy" by Charlotte Watts (about the healthiest foods to eat for you and the baby during pregnancy, DUH)....  Anyhow, I picked all my meals from the books inspiration..... We started with "Creamy Carrot & Parsnip Soup"  (serves 4 so we made it all and will have the leftovers for lunch at work tomorrow)

4tbsp butter
1 large onion (chopped)
8 carrots (chopped)
2 large parsnips (chopped)
1 tbsp peeled & grated fresh ginger (I used dry ground because it's what I had in my pantry)
1 tsp grated orange rind
2 1/2 cups of vegetable stock
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
pepper (to taste)
salt (to taste, recipe did not call for any I only added a VERY little)

Melt the butter in a large sauce pan & add the onion (stir and cook until soft)

Add the carrots & parsnips (cover and cook until soft - about 15 min)

Stir in ginger, orange rind & vegetable stock.  Bring to boil and then simmer covered for about 30 minutes

remove from hear and let cool for 10 minutes

blend in the blender until a happy consistency & return to clean saucepan

stir in the yogurt & coo gently through, on low

garnish with pepper

HONESTLY - it was AMAZING!!! The picture isn't great, by the time I realized I was going to share, we had already eaten our bowls and this was just what was left over :) HAHAHA - same for the bruschetta - I already made and we ate and there was only a tiny bit of topping left - SORRY!!!

I also served it with bruschetta!!!!!! 

Thin sliced Italian bread (toasted & cooled)
3 chopped Roma tomatoes
fresh chopped basil
tsp minced garlic
drizzle of olive oil
mozzarella cheese

mix tomato's, basil, garlic & olive oil - spoon onto bread and top with cheese - bake on 350 until cheese is melted :) MMMMM!!!!!  (Make sure when you scoop on the break its not very watery scoops)

I know the two don't actually GO together, but it was a REALLY nice meal :)

I started a crock-pot apple pie oatmeal recipe tonight for the morning..... Will take better pictures :)

XOXO - wish me luck this week :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

21 WEEKS & the Nursery!!

I can officially say, we am more than half way to meeting our baby girl!!! SO exciting!  This week has been awesome!  I feel her move, but not consistently - she moves sometimes when I eat, which makes me smile because I think it's cute that she likes when I eat....  Her favorites (so far) are sweets! DUH!!!

I went out with a girlfriend today for lunch and she was telling me about her experiences when she first had her son.  She said she missed him being so close all the time and it was weird when she went to sleep after he was born.  I think that is beautiful - as much as I am anxious to meet her, I really am appreciating her being so close and the bond we are forming. 

I still need to scan my ultra sound pictures, but when we saw her it was incredible - she was VERY active JUST like MOMMY!!!!  She would cross her legs, uncross her legs, then repeat for a few minutes - raise her arms, put them down then tilt to the side and wiggle her butt - she was a riot!!!

On the home front HagenHAVEN is doing amazing.  Kevin painted the first coat in the nursery and it looks amazing, I am so excited for it to be complete.  Its a very pale color greenish/yellow.  We are going to keep the nursery very neutral.  She will have PLENTY of pink in her life, and when she is old enough to tell us what colors she likes we will repaint and re-design for her.... for now, we want to be able to use all out baby stuff again for Baby Hagen numero 2, 3 & 4 :) hehe!!

My sister designed the room for us and here are the pictures!  This is all her designs and our inspiration however we are tweaking SOME stuff and I will start posting pictures once the room is at least 100% painted :) (you can check out her blog if you like her stuff its all artsy funness (OOO and of course the name won't be Harvey because we are having a girl) hahah!!

PS - I miss running more than I could EVER EVER express..... It's my OWN fault though, because although I was EXTREMELY sick for my first trimester, I should have pushed though.... OH WELL!  Cleveland half marathon is less than a year away and this March I will be able to train with my DAUGHTER!!!!!  I picked out an AMAZING jogging stroller :) :) WOOT WOOT!!!!

I hope she loves track and cross country :)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today, I ate A LOT.... more than usual.  Everything just sounded good.... OK, I will admit the run-down....
- Yogurt
- Honey Nut Cheerios's
- Banana
- 1 and a half chicken salad sandwiches
- Fruit salad
- Spaghetti O's
- Large chocolate chip cookie
- 2 pieces of veggie pizza
- a half a chicken breast w/ a lot of cheese on it
- a baked potato
- apple pie

I mean REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, this was my first TOTAL CRAZY FOOD DAY (since I have been pregnant)! hahaha - I know we all have them, but man I could not get enough - hopefully tomorrow, I will make better choices :)

Week 20 (21 tomorrow) - I feel AMAZING....

We are having a GIRL!!  Finally I am feeling her move, and I LOVE it.  There is nothing better....  I am starting to get to know her and she is just so sweet.  I will scan some ultra-sound pictures in tomorrow and post them, because honestly, she is so sweet and it's so fun to see her grow!

Our registry is getting better - almost done.  It's on babies r us.... any "been there done that" mom's feel free to drop hints

Dear Baby Girl - I love that we are starting to bond, I know you have always been able to feel me, and now I can feel you back! I love it.  It feels like pop corn - so great! XO sweetie pie!


Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 19 & School

Week 19 has been amazing :) they all are now.... hahaha. Still baby no movement. 

Message to the baby: PLEASE MOVE :) Love, Mommy... Also, I have a feeling you're a boy - I don't know why, it's just a feeling (kind of like how I knew I was pregnant RIGHT away) I will have to share that story later.  We get to see you on Wednesday :) YAY!!!  I cannot wait!!  That is also when we can tell your gender (if we want to - we are still undecided).  One thing is for sure, we certainly cannot wait to meet you!!

We met with a doula yesterday, to talk about labor and delivery.  It was very exciting and made it much more real.  I mean, eventually, the baby needs to come out :)

Our registry is taking forever to complete, I need an experienced mom to help.... I am thinking about waiting until Wednesday to add anything else, just in case we decide to find out the gender haha :)

School started for my MBA last Thursday and it was great.  It felt good to be back.... Lot's of projects to do and start thinking about already....

In the meantime, we are enjoying our labor day off of work and about to go out for lunch - We may check out somewhere new.... not sure, we are meeting another couple so I guess we will all figure it out together....


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fly LADY!!

Here is what happen today in my life:

#1 - Our child is now 18 week developed!!!  YAY!!  Feeling great!  Still haven't felt any movement.... but soon I know I will

# 2 - I shined my sink!!  Which is step one in becoming a "fly lady".  I am on a mission to organize my home.  Not that its "THAT BAD" - but I am not naturally domestic.  I have to work at it.  I was referred to this website and I am convinced it will change my life!  So there are these steps I will take every day to begin to form habits.... the first one is to shine my sink.... and I am going to make it a habit for every night!! I wonder what day 2 holds!! :) Wish me luck....

# 3 - Zoey did great today out of her crate, except she managed to completely destroy and eat a 300 dollar check we needed to deposit in the bank.... Honestly it was my fault for having it close enough for her to get....

Oh well.


Monday, August 20, 2012

17 Weeks

HELLO 17 WEEKS!!  So far, this has been the week where I have felt 100% all of the time.  No morning sickness, no headaches, just enjoying pregnancy.  Message to the baby "I LOVE YOU and I cannot wait to meet you".

We go back and forth on deciding whether or not we want to find out the gender of our baby or not.... At first, I wanted to wait and Kevin wanted to know.... then I sold him on the fact that we need to be surprised and now - I WANT TO KNOW!!!!! SOO BAD! hahahaha!!  We turn 18 weeks on Wednesday and I am truly so excited.  Our big appointment is on 9/7 where we have the option to find out the gender.... I will letcha know....

I am feeling sort of nesty lately.... We are almost done with our living and dining room.... (technically, I heard you have a year to sort out your house with a first home so I don't feel bad that we are STILL not done).  We need a new TV stand for the living room - I am thinking a wood crafted TV stand.... I would like it before Thanksgiving.... that's the goal hahahaha!  Then the living room is DONE!! :) Oh wait we also need new couch pillows.... I will get there.... The dining room is done, except we need to fix the ceiling that we tore for the light fixture....

OH and big news on the Zoey front - she is completely OUT OF HER CRATE..... we have it for her if she wants it.... but she can be trusted out of her crate all day..... we started this weekend and continued it today at work - and she hasn't soiled in the house or destroyed anything.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

SOO It's Been a While....

BUT - hopefully it will be worth the wait.  Kevin and I found out roughly 6 weeks ago that we are EXPECTING!!!  Hagen Haven, will welcome with open & loving arms, our "baby H" in January 2013!  I am 11 weeks 1 day pregnant!!  The reason I haven't been on here so much is because I have had a tough time with morning sickness (ALL DAY LONG)!!  I have been exhausted and really just not up for ANYTHING....

I am starting to feel a little better and VERY excited to start sharing my experiences so far!



Monday, May 21, 2012

Been a While, Huh?

So I guess it's been a while, huh?  I feel as though I have been so busy lately, but I honestly cannot tell you what I have accomplished...

Well, I guess I spoke a little too soon - I ran a half marathon yesterday and it was fabulous.  WAY hot, but truly a great run!

I bought a new watch to track my runs and I will be able to post my progress as I get prepared for the Akron full marathon this September.

Still working on house projects...  Kevin and I are going to make three shadow boxes from scratch for behind our couch which I am very excited about!!  I will probably go get the materials later this week, closer to Friday!!  Grammy bought us this fabulous book from home depot about DIY projects and we pulled the idea and directions straight from the book... :) Hopefully they will be up soon....  My idea is to put a small vase with colorful flowers in each box along side a picture.... I cannot wait!!!

Also, this past weekend Kevin trimmed down our over-grown dogwood and we are ready to plant some annuals for the summer!!!  I went tonight with a very dear friend to pick them all out!!  I will post pictures as we get them planted :)  We do have a beautiful rose bush that blooms one rose at a time.... Kevin took a great picture and I will have him email it to me so I can post.


PS - Zoey graduates puppy kindergarten tomorrow!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Zoey Pics :)

Zoey is doing so amazing, she is getting bigger every second!!!  We always say how funny it is that when people have children they always show off their pictures ALL the time, and since we don't have any children (yet) we are always showing off our first child hahaha (Zoester) so without further ado.......