Saturday, November 26, 2016


I have gained more than 30 pounds since I have had my first child.... you read that right, 30 pounds.... not to mention I was too heavy to start.... OY.... I pride myself on being a strong woman!  I am successful in so many aspects of my life - but WHY WHY WHY can't I lose weight???  Sometimes I feel like I don't "look the part" that I try to play in life.... well here goes... I am going to lose weight.  30 pounds to be exact.... I will blog about my journey....

I get a lot of strange looks when I tell people that "you can have everything" I go on and on about how I don't make sacrifices at home or at the office and how I can balance everything - I am now beginning to realize that it's all a joke - because when I talk about having it all at home and at work - I am neglecting MYSELF - while attempting to "have it all" I somehow stopped taking care of me... BAM... until now... let's see if I can keep up my "balance"

So tomorrow morning I am going to take a couple "before" pictures that I will NOT post.... I have also made a couple other goals:

Log ALL food intake 
Prep healthy snacks & lunches for the week
Drink 4 bottles of water before dinner 
Feel good about my choices 
Do not "starve" 
Make good choices
Eat little processed sugar

I will post on here at the end of the night - what I ate and all that....

Here goes!!!