Monday, May 21, 2012

Been a While, Huh?

So I guess it's been a while, huh?  I feel as though I have been so busy lately, but I honestly cannot tell you what I have accomplished...

Well, I guess I spoke a little too soon - I ran a half marathon yesterday and it was fabulous.  WAY hot, but truly a great run!

I bought a new watch to track my runs and I will be able to post my progress as I get prepared for the Akron full marathon this September.

Still working on house projects...  Kevin and I are going to make three shadow boxes from scratch for behind our couch which I am very excited about!!  I will probably go get the materials later this week, closer to Friday!!  Grammy bought us this fabulous book from home depot about DIY projects and we pulled the idea and directions straight from the book... :) Hopefully they will be up soon....  My idea is to put a small vase with colorful flowers in each box along side a picture.... I cannot wait!!!

Also, this past weekend Kevin trimmed down our over-grown dogwood and we are ready to plant some annuals for the summer!!!  I went tonight with a very dear friend to pick them all out!!  I will post pictures as we get them planted :)  We do have a beautiful rose bush that blooms one rose at a time.... Kevin took a great picture and I will have him email it to me so I can post.


PS - Zoey graduates puppy kindergarten tomorrow!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Zoey Pics :)

Zoey is doing so amazing, she is getting bigger every second!!!  We always say how funny it is that when people have children they always show off their pictures ALL the time, and since we don't have any children (yet) we are always showing off our first child hahaha (Zoester) so without further ado.......

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Super Life!

Had a great day!  Ran 12 miles this morning!!  Then I went to Amish Country for some new spices :)

Found this video on one of my favorite blogs that I follow