Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Years

WOW - it's New Years Eve! HOLY MOLY!!  2012 has been such an exciting year - actually, one of my favorite years EVER ha-ha (oh the drama in my voice).  I am not even joking though.  This post is just to sum up our year and put some resolutions into the universe for 2013...

SOO my goal for 2012 was "normalcy" (last years post) which we were successful in creating.... Here are some highlights of '12 - honestly there are a MILLION pictures to chose from (and part of my 2013 goals are to get better at posting more frequently) but here are a few (in no order):

Zoey testing out Harper's pacifiers :)

Kevin helping me do favors for Megan's baby shower

9 month pregnant with Harper

Zoey and I napping :)

Kevin representing MAC MILLER (*video link below)

my two favorite people in the whole world :) XXOO

Our fur-baby :)

The destruction Zoey causes

Thanksgiving dogs being good for a treat (there were two other dogs too just not in the picture)

Zoey walks on water hehe

I turned 30!!

Zoey gives Kevin a hug

I get special parking!!! This is when we registered!!!

4.5 monthsish preggo!!!

Zoey and I playing in the yard!

Kevin and Bryan getting the nursery ready!

Hard at work building our crib!

I think that I succeeded in having a year of normalcy.... well besides having our world completely rocked by the love we have for Zoey - or the fact that we are pregnant for more than half the year hehehe :) but that seems normal?? LOL .... we had fun. Thank you God for such a wonderful life.


Dear 2013, WE LOVE YOU!  Because you will bring us our our very first child - Harper.....

Some goals:
- Have a natural un-medicated childbirth
- Nurse for at least 10 months
- Be a great mom and make good decisions (with Kev of course) for Harper
- Be a great bridesmaid for Daniella
- Run the Cleveland half marathon and the Akron half
- Blog more frequently and take MORE pictures :)

OOO the video I mentioned before, this is hysterical and we watched this video 2012 times no joke.... if you feel so compelled check out the Tosh.O version too "The Baddest"

Chocolate Eclair Dessert

On Wednesday, Kevin and I each had a holiday potluck at work.  being so pregnant I decided I needed to stay simple with whatever I prepared for us to bring. The recipe I chose was a classic in the Simonelli household growing up 'chocolate eclair' omg YES, this is the best, easiest dessert EVER.  I made two in less then 40 minutes and that's only because I am slow, honestly you can make one faster and I urge you all to try and let me know your speed haha!

Ok so here is what you need for one (just double for two DUH)
- 2 small boxes of instant vanilla pudding
- 2.5. cups of milk
- whip cream
- graham crackers
- chocolate frosting


Layer a 9/13 inch pan with graham crackers

Mix the milk and pudding mixes until smooth

Fold in the whip cream

Put in pan on top of layered graham's 

Layer another row of grahams

Melt frosting and spread evenly on top

Refrigerate overnight 


Thursday, December 6, 2012

33 Weeks

I cannot believe we are here.... 33 weeks!!! Just a couple more to go!! We can't wait to meet our precious girl.... We want everything to be just perfect for her.

Dear Harper,

You are loved.  Your dad and I talk about you all the time.  I know you won't ever remember this but sometimes daddy sings to you in my belly (silly songs of course)!  It's really special.  Also, your big sister Zoey always sits by you in my belly and listens to you move.  I actually think she knew you were there before we did.  She is very In tune haha :).  I hope you love your new room, we worked really hard to get it ready for you.  I wish for you to be strong and happy.  I wish for you to be smart and funny.  Beautiful and humble.  Independent and loving.  I want you to always be honest.  I promise, I will always be honest with you.  I cannot wait to hold you! XO.  In the meantime keep kicking away, I will miss it :)

Love, Mama