Saturday, January 5, 2013

37 Weeks, Nailed it!

OK so for all of those "BTDT" (been there done that) moms you can probably relate when I say that each week that goes by (mostly in the third tri) you feel "accomplished" or like you "survived".... I am at the point where its hard to move fast/sleep/drink water lol - pretty much anything :) and everything is "something" - I have been convinced I have been in labor at least 3 times this week.  Honestly, it's just a waiting game - she still has a couple weeks to cook and I just need to relax.... which I have been - honestly, I am much less of a spazz than I sound ;)

I do want to share a couple things my mid-wife, doula, and guru shared with me on how to prepare  for labor in the "final weeks"

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea & Evening Primrose Oil

Here is some good information about Red Raspberry Leaf Tea from a good blog RRLT, but basically it helps strengthen your uterus to make contractions more productive when the time (actually) comes.... My midwife suggested I drink three cups daily beginning at 37 weeks.  (It's delicious)

Here is some good information for evening primrose oil EPO, but basically it helps soften your cervix  to prepare for labor.  My midwife suggested I take two capsules a day beginning at 37 weeks.  I haven't had any negative side effects (like nausea) so it seems to be doing well....

Of course I am still taking my prenatal - and because I am a FTM I am really not sure how this will all affect my labor but I am trusting the support we have surrounded ourselves with and moving forward.


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