Well I changed my mind on my purpose here. I am not writing this blog to change your life.... I am writing it to change mine... see here is the thing - I am a “share-er” I love to talk - I am not a gossip and I don’t talk about others but I talk about me ALL THE TIME - not in a “I am the greatest in all the land” type of way because lord knows I don’t always love myself, but more in a seeking advice way or trying to ensure I am not the only crazy lady on the planet and I am trying to find SOMEONE as crazy as me - I compare myself to everyone - which makes me share.... I am not content and I need reassurance....
Which is so not adult - and for real, I am a grown @55 adult!!!!
Sooooo I changed my mind about my blog - I am going to just share.... here.... and if anyone is listening drop me a line just to entertain my need for approval - and maybe throughout this process I will discover something that makes me “content”....
So that’s it - this will be everything and nothing at the same time....maybe we can grow together